January 12, 2019

Starting of 2019 with a study BANG!
Everyone was a little slow in the morning but a lively game of ball throwing zombie picked everyone up nicely.
Here is a list of the activities we did during the day.

  1. Mini Speech about the New Year's holidays. I learned that Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is 1. a game and 2. quite popular.
  2. Practice pronunciation but signing along to "Try Everything" by Shakira. Singing is an absolutely great way to improve the natural quality of speech.
  3. Split different Eiken levels and did a hardcore study session with me making sure those that needed help got it. Also, I encouraged members of the same group to work together if there were any words that one student didn't know but that others did. Not the most exciting way to start off the new year but, the focus is on encouraging performance rewarded with some fun.
  4. Out came the Rain forest book and study sheets. We spent some time reviewing everyone's homework and introducing the new part which will be for this weeks homework. The rain forest is a truly amazing place and the kids learnt about how dangerous jaguars can be but also how important they are.
  5. 10 mins to run around the park, play Red Rover, swing on the swings, jump rope and throw the Frisbee. I can't emphasize just how important these break times are. It allows are students to blow off some steam, build new friendships and let the mind be stimulated by things other than book work.
  6. Snack time and a little break with an ipad game.
  7. Reading comprehension. We continued to look at compound nouns and the students came up with some good ones... and some interesting ones that, while not actual compound nouns DID involved the word "basket" for some reason :) After that we took a look at the reading comprehension homework and looked at this week's new homework talking about fantasy and real. Should be interesting to see how everyone goes with this task at home.
  8. Home time. Well done guys and gals, Look forward to next week and have a wonderful weekend!! Stay warm!
