January 21, 2019

Advanced Lesson

Everyone was a little slow to get motivated bu once we got momentum, nothing could stop us!
After a little game of Zombie (The kids love it but I cannot for the life of me understand why this continues to be the most requested morning activity???)
Right, next we went into Eiken mode and spent the time working through different levels with different students. The great thin is, the kids are all willing to help the others if they can. Nice work team.
A quick moment, handing out some of the marked homework and then explaining some of the areas that might need clarification.
We moved onto the business of Reading comprehension with some more discussion about fantasy and real life. As per usual concepts that are remembered most easily are backed up with strange or funny examples (i.e. dancing carrots and watermelon bowling balls). The kids have another piece of homework this week which talks about fantasy and real life. The topic revolves around one of my favorite subjects, clouds.
We had some time to burn off some pent up energy in the park and the weather was sensational!!
Back into classroom for some reading and discussions on the rain forest book we are studying. This week's homework is about how we can help to prevent the destruction of the rain forest.
Ran out of time for some new vocabulary concerning art and culture but, we'll get there next time.
Great day, great students. I'm lucky to interact with these bright kids every week!

Junior Lesson
そのあとに、How many yellow coins are there?と先生に質問されていましたが、みんなちゃんと答えることができました。
Books , Books , count the Books!リズムに乗りながら声に出して言うことができました。
How many cats? How many     dogs? などセンテンスを読んで自分でカウント!みんな集中して頑張りました。

See you next week!!

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